Tama’s Activities Tama is a diligent student. First, at home he starts his activity by studying at 4.00 am. He thinks about studying at that time, making him getting the lesson. Second, he never comes late to school. He arrives to school 15 minutes before the class begins. Tama follows his class with much appreciates. He always asking without hesitating to his teacher, and he is always happy if given tasks. At the rest time, Tama spend his time not to chat with his friends too much. He prefers to study over again to make sure he does not forget about the material. The students go home at 3.00 pm. When the other students go home, Tama does not. He stops in the library, which is near from the school. He borrows the book and sometimes he reads the books there. He sometimes read only a thin book, so it does not spend many times for reading Third, Tama always studies in the night. He does his homework that given in the school. What does he do at the rest time?

Tama’s Activities Tama is a diligent student. First, at home he starts his activity by studying at 4.00 am. He thinks about studying at that time, making him getting the lesson. Second, he never comes late to school. He arrives to school 15 minutes before the class begins. Tama follows his class with much appreciates. He always asking without hesitating to his teacher, and he is always happy if given tasks. At the rest time, Tama spend his time not to chat with his friends too much. He prefers to study over again to make sure he does not forget about the material. The students go home at 3.00 pm. When the other students go home, Tama does not. He stops in the library, which is near from the school. He borrows the book and sometimes he reads the books there. He sometimes read only a thin book, so it does not spend many times for reading Third, Tama always studies in the night. He does his homework that given in the school. What does he do at the rest time?

  1. Going home.
  2. Playing games.
  3. Chatting with his friends too much.
  4. Studying over again.
  5. Semua jawaban benar

Jawaban yang benar adalah: D. Studying over again..

Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, tama’s activities tama is a diligent student. first, at home he starts his activity by studying at 4.00 am. he thinks about studying at that time, making him getting the lesson. second, he never comes late to school. he arrives to school 15 minutes before the class begins. tama follows his class with much appreciates. he always asking without hesitating to his teacher, and he is always happy if given tasks. at the rest time, tama spend his time not to chat with his friends too much. he prefers to study over again to make sure he does not forget about the material. the students go home at 3.00 pm. when the other students go home, tama does not. he stops in the library, which is near from the school. he borrows the book and sometimes he reads the books there. he sometimes read only a thin book, so it does not spend many times for reading third, tama always studies in the night. he does his homework that given in the school. what does he do at the rest time Studying over again..

Pembahasan dan Penjelasan

Menurut saya jawaban A. Going home. adalah jawaban yang kurang tepat, karena sudah terlihat jelas antara pertanyaan dan jawaban tidak nyambung sama sekali.

Menurut saya jawaban B. Playing games. adalah jawaban salah, karena jawaban tersebut lebih tepat kalau dipakai untuk pertanyaan lain.

Menurut saya jawaban C. Chatting with his friends too much. adalah jawaban salah, karena jawaban tersebut sudah melenceng dari apa yang ditanyakan.

Menurut saya jawaban D. Studying over again. adalah jawaban yang paling benar, bisa dibuktikan dari buku bacaan dan informasi yang ada di google.

Menurut saya jawaban E. Semua jawaban benar adalah jawaban salah, karena setelah saya coba cari di google, jawaban ini lebih cocok untuk pertanyaan lain.


Dari penjelasan dan pembahasan serta pilihan diatas, saya bisa menyimpulkan bahwa jawaban yang paling benar adalah D. Studying over again..

Jika anda masih punya pertanyaan lain atau ingin menanyakan sesuatu bisa tulis di kolom kometar dibawah.

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