GORILLAS Gorillas are the largest of all the primates. A male gorilla can be 180 centimeters tall and can weigh 200 kilograms. Gorillas are very strong but they do not often fight. In fact they are peaceful animals. Gorillas live in small family groups of about 15. In a group there is one strong, older male, some young males, and a few females with their babies. They move slowly around a large area of jungle eating leaves and bushes.In some ways gorillas are very like humans. When they are happy, they laugh and wave their arms. When they are angry, they beat their chests. When they are sad, they cry. But they cry quietly, without any tears.Unfortunately, people hunt and kill gorillas. They also cut down and burn their trees. There are now only about 10,000 gorillas left in the world. What does paragraph 1 tell us about?

GORILLAS Gorillas are the largest of all the primates. A male gorilla can be 180 centimeters tall and can weigh 200 kilograms. Gorillas are very strong but they do not often fight. In fact they are peaceful animals. Gorillas live in small family groups of about 15. In a group there is one strong, older male, some young males, and a few females with their babies. They move slowly around a large area of jungle eating leaves and bushes.In some ways gorillas are very like humans. When they are happy, they laugh and wave their arms. When they are angry, they beat their chests. When they are sad, they cry. But they cry quietly, without any tears.Unfortunately, people hunt and kill gorillas. They also cut down and burn their trees. There are now only about 10,000 gorillas left in the world. What does paragraph 1 tell us about?

  1. The size of gorillas
  2. The largest gorillas
  3. The strenght of gorillas
  4. The habitat of gorillas
  5. Semua jawaban benar

Jawaban yang benar adalah: B. The largest gorillas.

Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, gorillas gorillas are the largest of all the primates. a male gorilla can be 180 centimeters tall and can weigh 200 kilograms. gorillas are very strong but they do not often fight. in fact they are peaceful animals. gorillas live in small family groups of about 15. in a group there is one strong, older male, some young males, and a few females with their babies. they move slowly around a large area of jungle eating leaves and bushes.in some ways gorillas are very like humans. when they are happy, they laugh and wave their arms. when they are angry, they beat their chests. when they are sad, they cry. but they cry quietly, without any tears.unfortunately, people hunt and kill gorillas. they also cut down and burn their trees. there are now only about 10,000 gorillas left in the world. what does paragraph 1 tell us about The largest gorillas.

Pembahasan dan Penjelasan

Menurut saya jawaban A. The size of gorillas adalah jawaban yang kurang tepat, karena sudah terlihat jelas antara pertanyaan dan jawaban tidak nyambung sama sekali.

Menurut saya jawaban B. The largest gorillas adalah jawaban yang paling benar, bisa dibuktikan dari buku bacaan dan informasi yang ada di google.

Menurut saya jawaban C. The strenght of gorillas adalah jawaban salah, karena jawaban tersebut lebih tepat kalau dipakai untuk pertanyaan lain.

Menurut saya jawaban D. The habitat of gorillas adalah jawaban salah, karena jawaban tersebut sudah melenceng dari apa yang ditanyakan.

Menurut saya jawaban E. Semua jawaban benar adalah jawaban salah, karena setelah saya coba cari di google, jawaban ini lebih cocok untuk pertanyaan lain.


Dari penjelasan dan pembahasan serta pilihan diatas, saya bisa menyimpulkan bahwa jawaban yang paling benar adalah B. The largest gorillas.

Jika anda masih punya pertanyaan lain atau ingin menanyakan sesuatu bisa tulis di kolom kometar dibawah.

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