Arrange the following sentences into a meaningful passage.(1) One day he intentionally pulled my hair from behind when I was reading.(2) I explained what Do I did to me first.(3) Since the incident, Doni never pulled any girl’s hair again(4) There was a little boy named Donnie in my class and he was very naughty.(5) On reflection, I hit him on his face with the book I was holding. He began to cry!(6) I remember the time I started school when I was five.(7) Then, the teacher asked both of us to shake hands and apologize.(8) He used to pull girls’ hair whenever the teacher wasn’t around.(9) Soon, the teacher came to the class and was angry with me.The correct arrangement of the sentences is?

Arrange the following sentences into a meaningful passage.(1) One day he intentionally pulled my hair from behind when I was reading.(2) I explained what Do I did to me first.(3) Since the incident, Doni never pulled any girl’s hair again(4) There was a little boy named Donnie in my class and he was very naughty.(5) On reflection, I hit him on his face with the book I was holding. He began to cry!(6) I remember the time I started school when I was five.(7) Then, the teacher asked both of us to shake hands and apologize.(8) He used to pull girls’ hair whenever the teacher wasn’t around.(9) Soon, the teacher came to the class and was angry with me.The correct arrangement of the sentences is?

  1. 6 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 9 – 2 – 7 – 8 – 3
  2. 6 – 4 – 8 – 1 – 5 – 9 – 2 – 7 – 3
  3. 8 – 4 – 8 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 5 – 9 – 3
  4. 6 – 4 – 8 – 1 – 9 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 3
  5. Semua jawaban benar

Jawaban yang benar adalah: B. 6 – 4 – 8 – 1 – 5 – 9 – 2 – 7 – 3.

Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, arrange the following sentences into a meaningful passage.(1) one day he intentionally pulled my hair from behind when i was reading.(2) i explained what do i did to me first.(3) since the incident, doni never pulled any girl’s hair again(4) there was a little boy named donnie in my class and he was very naughty.(5) on reflection, i hit him on his face with the book i was holding. he began to cry!(6) i remember the time i started school when i was five.(7) then, the teacher asked both of us to shake hands and apologize.(8) he used to pull girls’ hair whenever the teacher wasn’t around.(9) soon, the teacher came to the class and was angry with me.the correct arrangement of the sentences is 6 – 4 – 8 – 1 – 5 – 9 – 2 – 7 – 3.

Pembahasan dan Penjelasan

Menurut saya jawaban A. 6 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 9 – 2 – 7 – 8 – 3 adalah jawaban yang kurang tepat, karena sudah terlihat jelas antara pertanyaan dan jawaban tidak nyambung sama sekali.

Menurut saya jawaban B. 6 – 4 – 8 – 1 – 5 – 9 – 2 – 7 – 3 adalah jawaban yang paling benar, bisa dibuktikan dari buku bacaan dan informasi yang ada di google.

Menurut saya jawaban C. 8 – 4 – 8 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 5 – 9 – 3 adalah jawaban salah, karena jawaban tersebut lebih tepat kalau dipakai untuk pertanyaan lain.

Menurut saya jawaban D. 6 – 4 – 8 – 1 – 9 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 3 adalah jawaban salah, karena jawaban tersebut sudah melenceng dari apa yang ditanyakan.

Menurut saya jawaban E. Semua jawaban benar adalah jawaban salah, karena setelah saya coba cari di google, jawaban ini lebih cocok untuk pertanyaan lain.


Dari penjelasan dan pembahasan serta pilihan diatas, saya bisa menyimpulkan bahwa jawaban yang paling benar adalah B. 6 – 4 – 8 – 1 – 5 – 9 – 2 – 7 – 3.

Jika anda masih punya pertanyaan lain atau ingin menanyakan sesuatu bisa tulis di kolom kometar dibawah.

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